Kiwi & Strit World

Kiwi & Strit World is a mobile game currently released in an early version for IOS.

Responsibilities: All programming, Wwise system and sound design.

Kiwi & Strit is about playful exploration. Kiwi is the calm character while Strit is the more chaotic one. Together however they fulfil each other in their differences.

skills( Unity   +   C#    +   Wwise  )

Dino prototype

Dino was a small gamejam prototype made at Exile game jam in 2013 where I was responsible for the sound.

Responsibilities: sound design.

skills( Unity   +   Sound design    +   collab  )

OO Room

OO Room was an interactive music tunnel built into 2 shipping containers and was installed until 2022 at Eksperimentarium.

Responsibilities: Main tech consultant, system design, instrument construction and audio programming in Max/Msp.

OO Room is about exploring the orchestral music.

skills( project leading   +   audio programming    +   system design  )


Triggers is an experimental and playful music software for the monome grid platform.

Triggers was designed and written by myself during my internship at Monome in New York in 2014.

skills( audio programming   +   interface design  )


Lydlandskap is an interactive art/sound wall by Norwegian artist, Line Hvoslef.

Responsibilities: Main tech consultant, system design, instrument construction and audio programming in Max/Msp.

skills( audio programming   +   system design  )


Meet D.O.R.T.H.E. She is currently 15”. She is pretty pale, although being an incredibly warm and caring max/msp patch, that creates music from your thoughts in the form of written words and sentences.

She controls a number of mechanical machines build almost entirely out of scrap electronics.

D.O.R.T.H.E. is about re-cycling. Re-cycle words. Analyze them and turn them into music. Re-cycle electronics and turn them into instruments.

skills( collaboration   +   programming  )

Space game prototype

A very small prototype of a space game made in 2016, where the player needs to take on missions in the control center on his home planet,

then load the ship with supplies and plot a route. The en-route flight will then have random encounters and the ship cockpit will have

different components that need to be manually interacted with in order to arrive safely.

skills( game design   +   C#    +   Unity  )

boardgame prototype

Stoneage board game

A hex-based board game prototype set in the stoneage where each player takes on a tribe with distinct traditions and skills

The players have access to the immediate hexes around their starting camp, but in order to venture further they will need to setup, plan and allocate the resources (food, tools, people etc) for an expedition.

The rivaling tribes can fight for resources, but the game heavily encourages cooperation as tribes will be able to share learned knowledge, resources and tools

skills( game design )

Polygon Drum Machine

Custom built drum machine from scratch, with DSP written in c++

Master thesis at IT University Copenhagen, exploring polygon notation styles to see how

the medium affects the artistic output

skills( audio programming   +   C++  )


Is a solo performance and workshop focused project where the classic gameboy consoles are used to improvise electronic music.

The music is strictly performed on the classic consoles with tracker software LSDJ and Nanoloop.

Often the performance is in conjunction with a workshop, making this tool more accesible.

skills( performing   +   teaching  )